The show portrays realistic events that occur in the life of an army family. It covers the struggles and obstacles that the families face. Not only does it show the wives side but it also shows the soldiers lives as well. The show brings to life what it is like to be a soldier exposed to enemy combat. That's what is truly great about the show, both sides are shown without hesitation.
The wives face many struggles at home while their husbands are away. Some go through pregnancies and early childhood without their spouse. Others face financial problems and struggle to pay rent. At several different occasions spouses at home got notice that their loved one is MIA or has been injured in the field. However, when their loved ones come home all the problems don't go away. One couple goes through a divorce with two children. Another couple loses their daughter to a tragedy at home. One soldier faces post traumatic stress disorder, which is a common thing in returning soldiers.
While watching the series it is hard not to become infatuated with the members of each family. When a cast member deploys, as a viewer, you almost fear that they might not survive another episode. This isn't even half of the feeling that loved ones get when their daughter, son, husband, sister, or brother get deployed. The show makes one appreciate what our soldiers are doing for us each day and realize that not only are the soldiers making sacrifices but their families are as well.
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